Qstream Insights (powered by QuickSight) are available to any user with a Company Owner, Program Manager, or Reporting Manager role. Clicking the “Insights” link will open the Insights in a new browser tab.
Qstream Insights Overview
Insights consist of the following sections:
Proficiency Heatmaps
Content Anlaysis
Manager Engagement
- Leaderboards
- Activity Tracking
- End of Qstream Report
- Simple Data Tables
All sections have the following filters. All filters are global, and apply to all data and all sections within Qstream Insights. All filters are also interdependent. For example, if you filter by a specific Qstream, only Managers will direct reports in that Qstream will be included in the Manager filter.
Filters for all customers are:
Qstream name
Manager name
6 customer specific groups
The 6 Insights Groups are the first 6 groups created during company set up / roster upload and are displayed in chronological order, from oldest (first created) to most recent.
Participant name
User Account Status (enabled or disabled users)
Qstream Insights data is refreshed every hour. Note: Data may not all be refreshed simultaneously; e.g. engagement and proficiency data may refresh slightly before or after heatmap data.
Qstream Insights session duration is 10 hours. After 10 hours, a user will have to reopen the Qstream Insights tab via the Insights button in the Qstream top level navigation.