Reporting Managers
Once assigned, Reporting Managers have the following capabilities:
Can navigate to ‘Program’ section
Can view the Qstreams which have been assigned to them
Can navigate to ‘Insights’ reports -- Reports in insights will only display Qstream data for those which the RM has been assigned to.
Can view the following pages in all Qstreams
Basic Data
Can view the following pages in Qstreams where the features are enabled
Can moderate or publish the following in Qstreams where the features are enabled
Program Managers, Company Owners and Service Agents
Can assign any number of Reporting Managers to a Qstream, for all Qstream statuses (Active, Scheduled, Closed)
Within Qstream set up
In the Program page, for adding reporting managers to multiple Qstreams at a time
Can filter for Reporting Managers in a Qstream
Reporting Manager column is hidden by default
It is recommended to use ‘save view' for each Reporting Manager to navigate quickly to the subset of Qstreams a user is assigned to
Can remove Reporting Managers, for all Qstream statuses (Active, Scheduled, Closed)
Within Qstream set up
Can view/filter users with Reporting Manager Permissions
Can view the Qstreams assigned to a Reporting Manager within the users profile
Company Owners
Can view/filter users with Reporting Manager Permissions
Can view the Qstreams assigned to a Reporting Manager within the users profile
Can remove Qstreams assigned to a Reporting Manager