When logged in as a user with the correct manager permissions, the tab "Direct Reports" will be available. Navigate to this section to view all active Qstreams.
Qstream navigation is optimised to give managers the information they need on Qstreams, and their direct reports.
The navigation is accessed through tabs:
- Active = all live Qstreams
- Scheduled = Qstreams yet to launch with a scheduled start date
- Completed = all closed Qstreams
- Direct reports = an exportable list of all participants who are assigned to the manager
The high-level summary of the information about this particular Qstream includes:
Qstream Name
Qstream Type
The number of their direct reports enrolled in the Qstream
The number of total participants enrolled in the Qstream
The start date of the Qstream
The remaining run time of the Qstream
The close date of the Qstream
By hovering over the Qstream type (Classic, Lightning, Turbo or Custom), the front line manager will be given information on what these terms mean, and the spacing settings applied to the Qstream.
Key Statistics: Engagement, Proficiency and Completion
The key stats that an FLM needs to see are available as part of the Qstream details. 'Your direct reports' will always be listed first, followed by 'Everyone'. These statistics are front and centre of all Front Line Manager reports.
Participation: Of the questions available for participants to answer, how many have been answered? This value changes daily as questions are released, the higher the percentage, the more up to date your users are. This is given as a percentage average of all applicable users, including those who have not started.
Proficiency: How well do your participants know the content? Proficiency is the level of correctness. This is given as a percentage average of all applicable users and will reflect the most up to date proficiency (ie. first attempts, or current once content has been repeated, whichever is most recent), it only includes users who have started.
Completion: How close are my participants to completing the Qstream, based on how many questions retired or mastered? Completion can be thought of as the percentage of questions which will no longer appear to participants in the Qstream, which is how complete the Qstream is. This is given as a percentage average of all applicable users, including those who have not started.
With all of this data presented in a simple UI, Front Line Managers can see at a glance how their participants are performing, and how this compares to all other participants. Clicking on 'More Details' will provide more context on these statistics.
Scheduled Qstreams
Qstreams which have future launch dates will appear in the 'scheduled' tab, the same information regarding dates and enrollees will be available in advance of the Qstream going live and becoming 'Active'.
Completed Qstreams
Qstreams that have completed will appear here.
Direct Reports
Direct reports are all users who have the logged in user assigned as their manager. The email address and country of the participant will be visible to their manager by default.
Managers can:
- Customise their view by selecting 'columns'
- Filter
- Change the size of the list by selecting density
- Export the list as a .csv file by selecting export